NCCC Sprint - Nov 25

Call: PJ4/K4BAI
Operator(s): K4BAI
Station: PJ4G

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Bonaire
Operating Time (hrs): 0.5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   0      0
Total:  23     10  Total Score = 230

Club: South East Contest Club


FT1000MP, Mark V,100W, C31XR, 2 el 40M yagi, 80M sloping dipole, 160M inverted
I started on 40 which was fine, but not too many stations active.  By the time
I swapped bands with PJ4/W1FJ and went to 20, no one else was there and no one
answered CQs.  80M was good, including a very nice surprise QSO with CT8/W1NN
and N6RO on the west coast.  Worked everyone I heard on 40 and 80.  Went to 160
with about 7 minutes left and worked and heard no one in NS.  There was a big
pile up for some DX stn on 1815 kHz.  Afterward, I turned on the amp and had a
nice pile up myself before going to bed. Thanks to NCCC for sponsoring a
practice on Thanksgiving so we could give out the rare South American NS

W1FJ, K1XM, KU8E, and I will be PJ4A, multi two this weekend in CQ WW CW and we
hope to work you all on many bands.  Hope conditions are great and everyone had

73, John, K4BAI.

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