From the QRP ARCI Contest Branch:

Just to remind all that the QRP ARCI Top Band Sprint - a six hour event - will be kicking off at 0000Z, 2 December, 2011; that'll be during the evening of 1 December here in North America.

There is an exchange (go to and look for the QRP ARCI Contests button on the left hand side of the page) but you don't have to be a member to participate.   And while we'll be running QRP, unless you want to, you don't even have to be!

It's a fun contest and us QRP'er types that enjoy operating on Top Band would certainly appreciate hearing and working you! Also, those of us that can will return the favor by operating during the Stew Perry Contest where a contact with us nets you four points versus two!

Additionally, our Top Band Sprint is an excellent vehicle for you to conduct a little "tune up" prior to the ARRL 160 meter contest which kicks off about a day later! Come join us on Top Band - if you don't have what you "think" is a 160 meter antenna, google "shortened 160 meter antennas"; you'll be surprised what can work on 160!

72, Jim Rodenkirch, K9JWV

QRP ARCI Contest Manager