North American QSO Party, CW - January

Call: W4MJA
Operator(s): W4MJA
Station: W4MJA

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10

Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:  12    9
  80:  178    36
  40:  117    28
  20:  97    23
  15:    9    6
  10:  15    6
Total:  428  108  Total Score = 46,224

Club: South East Contest Club

Team: SECC #3


2nd time operating this contest and I beat my previous score by a landslide.
Still, after looking at other's numbers and scores, I have some things to work
on in order to be competitive. I need to work on my CW! I must have asked 85
percent of my contacts for repeats - unacceptable. I'm excellent up to 25WPM,
but somehow I can't seem to make my way to 30WPM. Guess some more casual op
time is in order.

I'll echo what others have said - I spent way to much time on 10 and 15. Spent
the first two hours moving back and forth between 15 and 10. I called CQ about
99 percent of the contest and I never really got an above 40 rate run going
until 2 hours into it when I went to 20M. SO2R would have been helpful in this
one to produce a better score, but I think I still have to learn how to better
work one radio. Any pointers would be appreciated!

40 noise was way down to the point where I thought something wasn't right with
the antenna. 80 was FB after 00:30, and 160 seemed okay here, but the antenna
still needs more radials. More time should have been spent on 20M, and I took
my break exactly at the wrong times - 23:00 thru 00:30. Also took the last 30
minutes off which seems like not a bad way to end it.

I wanted to do so much better in this one, but when I look back on it, I gave
it my best effort. All I can say to the folks who are in the 750+ QSO range -
How do you do that? See you all in the next contest I'm home for!

FT-1000MP w/Inrad, Nye Viking MB-VA, N1MM (Think I like Wirtelog better!), and
all wires.

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