Call: AA4GA
Operating Time (hrs): 24.25
Band QSOs Mults
80: 23 20
40: 75 41
20: 125 59
15: 108 48
10: 43 31
Total: 374 199 Total Score = 223,278
Club: South East Contest Club
K3 at 5 watts, 80m doublet at 45', Par End Fedz 10/20/40 sloper. The rain definitely affected the tuning on the ladder line fed doublet - I was constantly having to retune...that's the first time I've used that antenna on an extended basis in wet weather - what a PITA!
Thanks to ND4V for the loan of the K3 - that's one nice radio...I'm afraid I
may be spoiled for one! It certainly kicks the FT817's butt! Spent a lot of
time just playing around with the rig...had a little trouble getting set up
with a MicroHam DigiKeyer interface and N1MM. I'll have to say I prefer the
K1EL standalone keyer to the DigiKeyer.
Worked my last mult with 45 seconds to go! :-)
I guess WPX CW is the next contest of any size...maybe I'll have my own K3 by
73 de Lee