WOW - What great scores from SECC...congrats to PJ7T (John, Fred and others, thanks for 5 bands), Mark at W4SVO, Kevin, N4XL...worked Jeff, KU8E, on 10m scatter - made him really work for my puny signal:-)

Sent: 3/26/2012 11:26:34 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
                    CQWW WPX Contest, SSB

Call: KT4ZB
Operator(s): KT4ZB
Station: KT4ZB

Class: SO(A)AB LP
QTH: Savannah, GA
Operating Time (hrs): 36

Band  QSOs
  160:    1
   80:   71
   40:  185
   20:  363
   15:  433
   10:  198
Total: 1251  Prefixes = 665  Total Score = 2,048,865

Club: South East Contest Club


Well, for me, it was a case of deja vu...seemed almost like a replay of last
year.  Low solar flux, amazing Asia opening, night time fun on 20m, small EU
opening on 10m Sunday, shutdown the station for lighting and low bands pretty
useless for low power work because of the storms Friday and Saturday.

On the other hand - I met my goal of 1200 contacts.  Since this is a search
and pounce contest for me, it's been difficult to break 1200 contacts without
some decent runs.  So I set a goal to a least try and get something
going...wasn't much; but did have a couple of hours worth of runs and it
worked.  As a result, the score improved too.

The DX was very good with Namibia and Senegal on 3 bands, Mayotte, Easter
Island, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Indonesia, Guam, Korea, nifty UA's and UN's, nice
group of VK and ZL's (7 VK's on 40m) and working 29 JA's from Southeast Georgia
adding to the fun of low power contesting.  Some of most interesting prefixes
included DM800, 9A2006, EI100, UE85 and EA720.  And, it was nice to add 5 bands
with fellow SECC contesters at PJ4Z, Bonaire; also thanks to NX5M for hearing me
on 160m for my only 6 band set (sure they really needed my 1 pointers, hihi).

The station worked great all weekend and I might have added a few more contacts
except for having to shutdown for both lighting storms and taking some time
counted breaks.  Next is working to improve antennas for the low bands to have
a better footprint for stateside prefixes. WPX is probably my favorite contest
and the score is a best for this station.  Thanks to everyone for the hearing
me and working to get my exchange.  Lots of QRM on 15m and 20m so I know there
will be busted contacts.  Also, thanks to CQ and the contest committee for all
their work.

Best - Jere

FT 1000-MP Field, TH6-DXX, dipoles in the trees and N1MM.

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