I don't know who tried to pull you up short, but they should reconsider.
All spotting, self spotting, helping others, and anything is OK for GQP.
The reason is that we have 159 counties to get folks aware that they are on the air and ready for Qs.
This is a considerable challenge.
And, read "Party" vs "Contest".  Then re-think it.
GQP has been a cooperative event to get all the counties active and participating.
The spotting rules are constucted to support this  goal.
Just see how the rovers mix, match, and adjust their routes to best coverage.
Norm was right about this.  And publicity is fine, Twitter, Facebook, and the Atlanta Journal Constitution (if you can get print).
Do not hold your log.  The folks you worked would want that log submitted.
Let that one complainer do the apologies.  Your apology is gracious, but not needed.
And, why was the complaint not "open".   As the vernacular goes..."just sayin'".
I see some great new ideas growing with Norm the GQP team.
They are going well past where I had run out of talent.
My view...
Mike, NE4S
Please use ne4s@iham.us as my address.

From: Rick Dougherty NQ4I <nq4i@contesting.com>
To: SECC <secc@contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2012 10:39 AM
Subject: [SECC] Self Spotting

It has been brought to my attention that I posted a facebook posting stating that the GQP was on the air and I listed the suggested GQP frequencies, and I mentioned that the NQ4I station would be on using the K4HYB call sign all done 30 minutes into the contest. So I am strongly considering taking the K4HYB log and not submitting it for the GQP competition.  I did what I did to publicise the GQP and hopefully get some more participation. It obviously has offended one member of SECC and not taken in the context it was meant. I apologize to all the hard working members of the K4HYB team. I read the posting from Norm WA4ZXV and it said that use of spotting networks was encouraged...I took that to include spotting ones station.  No where in my facebook posting did I specifically state any frequency that K4HYB was using at the time. Only the suggested GQP spots to look for Ga stations.

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