In addition to Rick’s suggestions –


1)      Add a rover category – This would be different from the mobile category where you have mobile antennas.  You would drive between different counties , stop setup a temporary antenna – for example a dipole on a mast. No QSO’s allowed when driving between your operating sites. This would encourage more SSB operation from rare counties because these stations would have better antennas. There would be some strategy involved to pick the right route to put  on the most counties on the air. Most of the current rovers (i.e mobiles) don’t bother with SSB with the current rules because you have better rate on CW when you are zipping thru your counties. Also some people might not want to put mobile antennas on their car.


2)      In addition to states/VE as multipliers add GA counties as multipliers for GA stations. Maybe also DX counties as well (Like FQP).  Keep it the same for out of state – counties per mode. I wouldn’t do multipliers per band like Rick suggested because that would give an advantage to someone who is in the right skip zone to work GA on the high bands.


3)      As Rick mentioned there are plaques for categories that there are very few stations or none at all. Maybe reevaluate the categories.  If someone has already paid for these plaques for 2012 and no one entered that category why not donate that money for WRTC 2014, which is a worthy cause.



   I also made a suggestion to K4BAI that when the scores are published sort them by score –  by both in-state and out-of- state not by call sign.


  Kudos to Norm and the GQP team for getting people on the air. They obviously worked with the clubs around GA to encourage their members to get on the air. I bet half of my QSO’s on 40 SSB were with GA stations who normally don’t work contests. Sounds like many GA clubs are making GQP a club activity which is great.



Jeff KU8E