I would like to see some stories about your rover setup.
How you powered your computer?
Did you reinforce the battery in the vehicle?
Did you build a desk or install some type of table?
Your antenna system?
Did you operate mobile or stationery in each county?
How did you go about switching off operators if you switched?
What type of map did you use?
What were you missing?
What would you do differently?

Hints for the newbies! 

I would like to see both sophisticated and minimal operations overviews.

Why, next year I plan to rove, and I need all the help I can get.  And I would like to share with others that may be interested.  The more they know, the more help we may get next year!

So while it's fresh in your mind, send in some notes.  Don't worry about format, I'll get some help with the editing.
Photos are always welcome.

Thanks everyone that participated this year.  About half the logs have already been turned in  The rest will trickle in over the next few weeks.
I'm posting a list of logs received each day I receive new ones.


Norm Schklar , wa4zxv 
Email: info@GeorgiaQSOParty.org