A BIG Thanks goes out the exclusive and sometimes elusive "gang of six" for helping raise my 5 element 6 meter quad yesterday in the 'summer' heat.  Pizza & beer was consumed afterwards.  Design freq was 50.1Mhz and actual turned out to be 50.398Mhz with the low end 2:1 at 49.8Mhz.  So with a typical wire expansion, in a month, it should be resonant near 50.2  (???).  Excellent!  Did work a few New Englanders coming at S-9 which would have been S-5 max with the previous 3 el on a deck tripod.
Again... thanks go out to:   Tim Lemon, Christian Kuhtz, Chaz Cone, Bill Barr, and Jim Padgent (not a ham... yet).  You guys are terrific!