North American QSO Party, CW - August

Call: AA4GA

Class: Single Op QRP

Operating Time (hrs): 5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   40:   32    17
   20:   79    30
Total:  111    47  Total Score = 5,217

Club: South East Contest Club

Team: AT-Sprinters #1 (wasn't on an SECC team because of the special AT-Sprint teams N8XX put together)


Thanks to N8XX for setting up the AT-Sprint teams!

For those that don't know, the AT-Sprint is a series of radios designed by
KD1JV, most of which fit into an Altoids's a link to a post I made
on mine when I built it back in April:

I was running the ATS-3b at 9v, good for 3 watts output to an 80m doublet up
about 45' or so.  I got a late start and just operated on and off for a bit -
20m was pretty good and I was looking forward to 40 and 80 later in the
evening, but when I went to 40, the QRN was apparently so bad my 3 watts wasn't
really cutting it, so I skipped 80 and turned in early.

Lotsa fun!

73 de Lee
Lee Hiers, AA4GA

Submit your totals to the unofficial QRP DXCC standings - go to and click on "QRP DXCC" for more info!