

The changes in the rules certainly bring the SC QSO Party more in line with the norm and should help establish the contest going forward.  I have several other commitments that day (it’s not easy being retired) but will try and get on as I can to provide a few Georgetown County mults.


Dennis, K2SX


From: Todd Atkins []
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 8:39 PM
Subject: [SECC] SC QSO Party This Weekend


Hope to hear some of you in the newly revamped SC QSO party this weekend. It'll run from 10 AM to 11 PM eastern on Saturday (1400Z – 0300Z Saturday/Sunday) and we have some pretty rare counties set to be activated.


We also have some new rules; gone are the quirks that forced SC stations to work other SC stations in order to score points and also gone is the serial # and power multipliers. If you've worked the GQP, you'll probably feel right at home--although we have just a *few* less counties that GA!


I'd like to thank John/K4BAI and Dennis/K2SX for their advice last summer when this process got started.


Check out the website at and we all look forward to working you this weekend.

