
Put my name in the hat for FT SSB, 1/19-20 and the RTTY 2/23-24. I am not assigned to a team, however interested if someone needs a placed filled.  In 2010, I picked up SECC Fist Place in the NAQP for Wire Antennas... I will try to reclaim that place in 2013!

de Ricky, K4JTT

From: John Laney <>
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 5:00 PM
Subject: [SECC] North American QSO Parties

Hello all:

It's time to form teams for the January/February 2013 North American QSO Parties.  CW will be Jan 12-13, SSB Jan 19-20, and RTTY Feb 23-24.  Teams can be from two to five members.  Team members do not have to be members of SECC or within a circle. Anyone who wants to play can be a member of a team.  I will register the teams before each contest starts.

Each contest runs from 1 PM Sat to 1 AM Sun.  Mults count per band.  Exchange is name and SPC.  Non North Americans send only Name (but your logging program may want something entered, so put in "DX."  Maximum power is 100W.

I will be QRV for CW FT as will Mike, W4MJA.  W4MJA will be PT for SSB.  For SSB, I will be part of a M/2 team at WW4LL (WW4LL, KU8E, N4OO, K4BAI).  M/2 teams are not eligible to be on a team.

You can operate up to 10 of the 12 hours and off times must be at least 30 minutes (take off at least 31 minutes to be sure).

Please let me know ASAP and I'll let everyone know which team you are on for each event.

We have had a good year in SECC and I hope for increased membership and activity in 2013.  Happy New Year to all.


John, K4BAI
President, SECC

P.S.  SECC sponsors the plaque for the top single op in North America on SSB.
You can find full rules by an internet search for "North America QSO Party"

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