Sent: 4/1/2013 3:40:40 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
                    CQWW WPX Contest, SSB

Call: KT4ZB
Operator(s): KT4ZB
Station: KT4ZB

Class: SO(A)AB LP
QTH: Savannah
Operating Time (hrs): 34

Band  QSOs
  160:    0
   80:   48
   40:  244
   20:  386
   15:  420
   10:  131
Total: 1229  Prefixes = 640  Total Score = 1,864,320

Club: South East Contest Club


Gotta love CQ WPX â€" I get the entire range of human emotions when working
this contest like - it's loud, amazing, incredible, magic, awesome, excellent,
remarkable, fabulous, formidable, laborious, tough, arduous, challenging,
irritating, toilsome, wearisome, mysterious, marvelous, spooky, weird, shrill,
diabolical, staggering, strange, wondrous, unbelievable, extraordinary,
stupendous, baffling, great, super, lousy, rotten, noisy, absurd, divine,
enjoyable, fantastic, peachy, phenomenal, staggering, terrific, tremendous,
amazing, incredible, sensational, strange, unruly, blaring, unimaginable,
earsplitting, piercing, booming, bizarre, funny, screwy, ridiculous, unreal,
groovy, ludicrous, freakish, comical, crazy, illusive, brutal, outstanding,
merciless, rude, vicious, deafening, wild and just all around fun!
So, pick one of the above and place in front of every contact, band, hour,
operator, propagation and multiplier and you have the story of my weekend.
Nifty events included JA9TQY calling me on 15m about an hour before JAs were
spotted when I was running station on the west coast. Also, having A71AM
calling me on a short 20m run was a pleasant surprise. Then on Sunday morning
there was an awesome opening to China on 20m where I worked 3 BAs and a YB
(never before, with my 100w). 
  Better DX worked included 7Z, 6V, 5W, AH0, KH2, B3, BY4, BY5, 4X, JA, A6, and
4L. The score is a little less than last year; however, I did work another hour
longer last, I'll call it a tie.  Once again, there was no solid Eu
opening on 10m; still, I did work a few folks from southern Europe. It's tough
when you can hear PYs running DL after DL. Plus, the 15m opening to Japan only
produced one JA compared to about 40 last year. 80M was very noisy and pretty
much useless for low power. Otherwise conditions were similar to last year and
I didn't have to shut down for storms.
  The station worked great all weekend and WPX is probably my favorite contest.
Thanks to everyone for the contacts and working to get my exchange.  Lots of
QRM and I know there will be busted contacts.  Also, thanks to CQ and the
contest committee for all their work.

Best â€" Jere

FT 1000MP Field, FT1000D, TH6-DXX, dipoles in the trees and N1MM.

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