Tim Beaumont <m0urx@btopenworld.com> May 05 08:45AM +0100
Hi from Tim M0URX,
I recently received a box of 5,700 QSL cards from the RSGB Bureau for DXpeditions over the last 18 months. Closer examination of the incoming Bureau cards show that almost HALF of these cards the QSOs were already requested using OQRS in the days AFTER the DXpedition.
Let me make it quite clear! (Sounding like a politician) If you request a Bureau QSL through OQRS....
DO NOT under any circumstances then send a QSL through the Bureau.
If the person wants your QSL he will request one also! DXpeditions DO NOT need incoming Bureau cards.
If this was to carry on then i can see many DXpeditions turning off the OQRS for Bureau.
Guys.... WISE UP to how OQRS should work. It is here to help you and the DXpedition. But right OQRS is causing a massive burden on Bureaus around the world both on wasted time and money processing tens of thousands of Bureau cards that SHOULD NOT be in the Bureau system.
Once you have made an OQRS request.. again Let me make this quite clear....
Mark your log as QSL SENT so that you do not forget and then send another card by mistake. Even put in the Remarks column of your log that it was requested on OQRS Bureau or Direct.
I am really not sure how to get the message through but this is extremely important for the future success of OQRS.
Thank you for your attention,
Tim Beaumont M0URXCHRIS COLCLOUGH <chrisg1vdp@btinternet.com> May 05 09:03AM +0100
Hello all,
Can I just add another point on this. I was at Tim's almost all day yesterday helping him sort through the cards, and the number of - as we named them - "serial QSLers" was astounding. What we meant by this is the number of people who send one card per QSO for a DXpedition or call sign. It is far better to send one card with a number of QSO's on it even if you cover your information on the reverse of your card. Most of them were printed so are done form logging software which does allow for this. But then again just request OQRS and note in the comments field of the logging programe the date sent and requested. Far better for the planet and the bureaus.
And with the length of time the bureau takes it will be far quicker - especially as Tim sends direct to most of the world bureaus rather than returning via the RSGB bureau (which, IMHO, offers a poor service compared to the old bureau when it was in house so to speak) so your card should come through far quicker.
Many thanks.
Chris Colclough