CQWW WPX Contest, CW

Call: N4NX
Operator: N4NX

Class: SO(A)AB LP
Operating Time (hrs):

 Band  QSOs
  160:     0
   80:    14
   40:  231
   20:  269
   15:  173
   10:    20
Total:  707     Prefixes = 517        Total Score = 1,066,054

Club: South East Contest Club
K3 @ 100W,  4 element SteppIR, 2 element 40 meter yagi, 80 meters inverted V.
Ratio of Qs to Mults tells the story of my goal and the use of Assisted category with N1MM logger.
The goal was 500 prefixes and one million points.
Conditions could have been better, but still fun.  had to repeat my exchange a lot.