Did not plan to operate this one but I wish I had time for the 24 hr class..Condx not too bad for the end of July. Some stations had amazing numbers, just shows you how much activity there is in the IOTA contest. Thanks John, K4BAI, for the Q's...you sounded like you were on a roll...hope you finished well.   
                                           IOTA Contest

Call: W4IX
Operator(s): W4IX
Station: W4IX

Class: SO(A)12CW HP
Operating Time (hrs): 12

Band  CW Qs  CW Mults  Ph Qs  Ph Mults
   80:    0        0      0        0
   40:  142       46      0        0
   20:  276       48      0        0
   15:   58       17      0        0
   10:    1        1      0        0
Total:  477      112      0        0  Total Score = 360,528

Club: South East Contest Club


I wasn't planning to enter this one, got up Sat. morning and decided to get the
station set up ( I do not have permanent feed lines for antennas or rotors )
and started at 1530Z. I went with the 12 hr assisted category since I did not
have enough time to do a full effort. Even in the 12 hr cat. you need a
strategy of off periods to maximize your Q's and Mults to different parts of
the world on different bands during different times of the day..I did not have
a strategy, just worked 7 hours, took 3 off, then 5 more to finish. I want to
thank all the island stations for their participation and everyone else for the
Q's. This is an AWESOME contest for the summer and condx. were actually quite
good for this one. 15 had some good sigs but i did not spend much time there.
20 was strong as usual ( Daytime is usually tough for us in the South ) but
stations were workable throughout the day. I had a great opening to Eastern
Russia but not many JA's. The band was even open at 0500Z to most parts of the
world. When I went to 40, I was surprised to hear some nice sigs from Europe.
There was some static crashes that required some repeats of numbers, but
overall it was outstanding. 80 was vy noisy, did not bring the antenna feed
into the shack. 73's until the next one!!
TS940S & Dentron 10-160L @ 600W
TH7DX @ 40 feet
1/4 Wave Sloper off 40 foot tower.
John Colyard
Tandem Communications
Lead Project Coordinator Installations
MAIN 772.216.6700
EMAIL jrcccd@aol.com