Hi all - Plan full time LP
Good Hunting - Jere, KT4ZB
In a message dated 8/13/2013 9:10:56 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, k4bai@att.net writes:
For those of you who won't be spending Saturday and Saturday night in
Huntsille, the NAQP SSB is this weekend, 2 PM until 2 AM Sunday with a
maximum of 10 hours for single ops.  100W limit on power. Exchange is
name and SPC (or "DX" for staitons outside NA and Hawaii).

I will be in Huntsville, but I will register our teams.  Please let me
know if you want to be on a SECC team and whether you will be part time
or full time and whether you will be QRP or LP. Invite your friends as
it is not necessary to be a member of a club to be on a team for this
one and there is no geographical limitation.

I have WN4AFP down for a team.  I hope I haven't forgotten anyone who
responded some time ago about NAQP SSB.  If you did so, please remind
me. Thanks.

73, John, K4BAI.
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