Reply-to: KT4ZB@AOL.COM
Sent: 8/18/2013 12:43:26 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: NAQP SSB KT4ZB Single Op LP
                    North American QSO Party, SSB - August

Call: KT4ZB
Operator(s): KT4ZB
Station: KT4ZB

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Savannah
Operating Time (hrs): 10

Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:   67    28
   40:  203    35
   20:  227    39
   15:  129    16
Total:  626   118  Total Score = 73,868

Club: South East Contest Club

Team: SECC


   Contesting from Savannah in August is always a challenge, and this year was no
exception.  Shut down for lighting and storms 4 times on Saturday.  So even
though the clock shows 10 hours on, there were storm breaks tucked in there
   However, I actually did better than I thought I would considering the A/K
index and conditions earlier in the day.  I estimated 500 contacts and 100
mults would be about right for me. As expected there was nothing on 10m and
only West coast and VI on 15m.  Actually, worked VI on all 4 bands.  I had a
nice balance of QSOs on 15-20 and 40m; but, the mults were hard to come by.
Missed RI, DE & AK for WAS and never heard any of them even when S&P.
NT, BC, SK & MB all called me when I was on 20m but no AK.  The storms
really hurt conditions for me on 40 and 80m.  Couldn't work out west on 80m
except for one lone CA who moved me to 80m...lots of repeats needed on both 40
and 80m as the static crashes just covered up the QSO.  I had no antenna for
160m available, so lost a few there.  There were some nice runs on 15, 20 and
40m with best hour at 101.  Worked 80m mostly for mults.  Congrats to my bud,
N4XL, for kicking my butt in this one and always nice to catch up with other
SECC members.
   As always a fun contest except for the weather.  Thanks to NCJ for

  cu next time - Jere (aka Mark, my middle name)

FT 1000 Field, TH6-DX, dipoles & N1MM

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