ok antenna gurus what did i do wrong? originally the swr on this 4 el Hygain 6 mtr beam was a perfect 1:1 at 50.1 . But I wanted to run high power thru it so the manual calls to change the coax balun from rg58 to rg213 which i did except I think that the coax was RG8. It was cut to the same length as the 58 as per the manual. Now the swr at 50.1 is 2:1 and the resonant point for 1:1 is clear up at 52.0 . I don't want to change the element lengths as they should be right on. Only thing else is move the beta match in or out some.... or match it some other way. Would the 213/rg8 make that kind of difference? Maybe I should change the length of that coax! Ideas? help!!!! lol, Cort K4WI