South Carolina QSO Party

Call: AD8J/M
Operator(s): AD8J
Station: AD8J/M

Class: SO Mobile HP
QTH: 9 counties
Operating Time (hrs): 7:35

Band  CW-Dig Qs  Ph Qs
   80:      8        0
   40:    243      141
   20:     41       11
   15:      6        3
   10:      1        1
Total:    299      156  Mults = 72  Total Score = 54,288

Club: South East Contest Club


Just under two hours into the contest, the 20 meter Hamstick burned open.  I've
been expecting this for some time as I run a KW into an antenna rated for 300
watts and the black covering had cracked away and had been replaced with shrink
tubing  The resulting high SWR burned and melted the base that feeds three
Hamsticks.  It took about 45 minutes to make a temporary repair so I could
continue to operate but without an antenna for 20 meters.  Note to self:  When
you smell something funny and stations mention signal problems, stop and check
the antenna!  So for the last 7 counties, it was a 40 meter operation.  In
addition to the antenna meltdown, there was some real heavy rain during the
afternoon.  Luckly there were no thunderstorms in the areas I was operating.
The most worked stations were the OM2VL Super Station with 18, the N4JF QRP
station with 16 and WA4GQG with his dipoles had 15.  This only goes to show
that any station can do well in state contests if you spend time in the chair.
Look for me as AD8J/6 in the CA contest.  I'll be operating portable from rare
Alpine County running barefoot to wire antennas.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at:
John Getz
24 Stony Ridge
Asheville, NC  28804