----- Original Message -----
From: wa7rzw5@aol.com
To: n5bi@arrl.net
Cc: n5bi@juno.com
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2013 3:16 PM

Sent from Windows Mail
Gary: Good chatting with you. As I mentioned I have a Steppir Monstr yagi which I just replaced with a DB-42. I have used the Monstr for the last 5 years with no problems. I have all the cables, control box etc. so it is ready to go. At the moment the antenna is still mounted on a short pipe but I may have to dissemble it soon if no one is interested in it fully built up. The antenna originally cost over $5000 but I would take $500 for it. I’ll be happy to show it to any one who wants t stop by. Thanks,
Jonathan WA7RZW