Thanks for all the QSO's from my team mates and club members. John, I did not see the SECC teams in the drop down list...
            North American QSO Party, CW - January

Call: W4IX
Operator(s): W4IX
Station: W4IX

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10

Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   93    31
   80:  173    47
   40:  114    38
   20:  144    40
   15:  174    50
   10:   62    27
Total:  759   233  Total Score = 176,847

Club: South East Contest Club



Got back from NYC Friday evening, with the help of W4OC, got my computer control
and keying working. Woke up Sat. morning to some nasty wx, rain and wind but got
out there and started putting up an HF2V Vertical. Had to take a few breaks due
to severe rain, wind, & lightning. Got everything up at 12 noon, then had
to run over to Don's place, W4OC, for a coil. Got back at 12:45 and put the
coil on, spent the next 10 minutes running back and forth from the antenna to
the shack trying to tune the 80 meter section of the vertical. Got it pretty
flat at 3530 so I just sat down all soaking wet and muddy and started the
contest. The computer monitor had a blank screen with no signal, had to
reboot the computer 3 times to get it back, still made the start. Everything
worked great for the whole contest. Condx were pretty good, was nice to be able
to work a few close states on the high bands via scatter. Low bands were quite noisy from the
passing storm front but still managed a few west coast contacts.
Looks like we did not make the Team List.  SECC#1

TH7DX@40 feet
160 Inv L@ 60 feet

73's and thanks for all the Q's & to W4OC for all his support.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at:
John Colyard
Tandem Communications
Lead Project Coordinator Installations
MAIN 772.216.6700