Excellent points John... I agree with you on the lack of high band activity and fewer in-staters calling CQ....

If multipliers counted for in-state stations, would we see an increase in Q totals for the contest? Would the in-state op stay on the air a few more hours?

In my SCQP experience, there were numerous times when I had zero responses to CQs....All I could do was "run", so having the "S&P" for in-state stations would keep my "BIC" to go back "run" mode. More activity, regardless of the band, may spark interest from 'non-contesters'. 

I'd love to know why many of our SECC'ers participate in state QPs. I enjoy the challenge of trying to work all of the state's counties during the contest period.

One more thought... The awards vary from state to state and it seems as though award sponsors are limited... Has anyone ever contacted the state's Chamber of Commerce etc to acquire award sponsors.. In state ops are "marketing" their state to the world.. Cool awards include the BCQP photo awards, jug of syrup from Vermont, rice from Minn, wine from CA..

It's snowing in SC!!!





On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 1:48 PM, John Laney <k4bai@att.net> wrote:
Nothing is "wrong" with allowing multiplier credit for in state counties for in state stations.  Some QSO parties do exactly that.  What it does, however, is change the character of the QSO party.  Activity on the higher bands is significantly decreased, thereby reducing activity from DX and farther away US stations.  Activity on low bands is increased and often occurs during daylight hours between in state stations who are hearing only each other.  That keeps these stations away from the higher bands.  There will be a lot of in-state stations who go around calling other in-state stations for county multipliers and never call CQ, thereby never giving out-of-state stations a chance to work them.

So, we have chosen in FL, GA, SC, TN, AL, etc. to be more outward looking in our QSO parties.  We allow the state to count as a multiplier for in-state stations, but in order to get more than one mult (or one mult per mode), in-state stations must work out of state stations, thereby resulting in more activity  on the higher bands and more QSOs with DX and west coast US stations. This should not necessarily reduce low band activity (except in FL which does not include 80 or 160M).

73, John, K4BAI.

Dave Edmonds
PK Ministry Webs
"Webs from the Heart"