Expected you to do great Jere, but that score is fantastic!  Congrats.  Good luck on the log check!

On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 11:44 AM, <Kt4zb@aol.com> wrote:
Boy O Boy was that fun.  Great jobs by WW4LL (Fred, John and Jeff), N4XL and N4IX...John, can't wait for that log check with the difference of .7%.  LP ops need to read Mike's, W9RE, 3830 as he ran LP with that great station. 

From: webform@b4h.net
Reply-to: kt4zb@aol.com
To: 3830@contesting.com, kt4zb@aol.com
Sent: 3/3/2014 11:29:46 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: ARRLDX SSB KT4ZB SO Unlimited LP
                    ARRL DX Contest, SSB

Call: KT4ZB
Operator(s): KT4ZB
Station: KT4ZB

Class: SO Unlimited LP
QTH: Savannah, GA
Operating Time (hrs): 36

Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   18    15
   80:   57    41
   40:  154    61
   20:  424   101
   15:  385    92
   10:  663   101
Total: 1701   411  Total Score = 2,097,333

Club: South East Contest Club


Sure glad this was JUST the ARRL DX Contest, because I can't imagine these
conditions in CQWW or WPX where everyone works everyone.  Even with half the
world on 10m, there was no room for this LP boy on 20m.

Best ARRL DX Contest ever, personal high for contacts, mults and score.
Thought I might be able to exceed the W4 SOAB LP Assisted record if the
conditions held and I was ahead of that Saturday night.  Going to be some
amazing scores from folks.  This is one happy camper.

Way too many neat things to mention and the DX was amazing  My previous mult
high was 336, and this time I ended with 411.  And, the score doubled. Some of
best DX included Sierra Leone, East Malaysia, Indonesia, Bahrain, Kaliningrad,
Kazakhstan, Armenia, Dodecanese, Crete, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain,
Paraguay, Reunion and Guam.  Others could be heard but the piles ere too big
for me.  Another record for the station was working 104 JA's from
Georgia...love our salt water marsh.

I have never had more than one or two six band sweeps; but, this time I logged
nine...8P5A, P40L, PJ2T, V26M, VP2MLL, PJ4G, NP2X, KP2M and HK1NA on all bands.
Almost all contacts were S&P; however, I was able to run some to Japan and
snagged a 9K2 while running on 20m in heavy QRM. Best hour rate was 98. The
station worked great all weekend.

Thanks to the contest sponsors and everyone for the Q's and cu in WPX.

Best - Jere

N1MM, FT-1000MP Field, TH6-DXX and wires in the trees.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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