Georgia QSO Party

Call: N4NX
Operator(s): N4NX
Station: N4NX

Class: Single Op Mixed LP
Operating Time (hrs): 14:45

 Band  CW-Dig Qs  Ph Qs
  160:      0        
   80:     34        3        
   40:    133       89        
   20:    164      351        
   15:      7       53        
   10:      0        1        
    6:      0        
Total:    338       497    CW Mults = 50  Ph Mults =53  total Mults 103 Total Score = 123,165

Club: Gateway Amateur Radio Club ( GARC )

Comments: FT-920, NEW Hex Beam at 35' ( but looking down almost 1000' ), 40 Meter dipole ( deck level ), 80 meter inverted V.

Saturday 300+ QSOs, Sunday 500+ QSOs.

Longest Call worked--XF1/N7RSS/MM (sea of Cortez)

All states except HI worked!

Best Run 150/Hour - Sunday 20M SSB

No rotator on hex beam ( turned with tag lines ).

Now get this: Used a beverage on 20M during best run ( noise level to high ).
Pixel BevPro-1 reversible Beverage about 280' in length ( Not a plug--just a fact )--Go figure!

Another Fun year--Thanks to all the rovers who really draw attention to this "Top of the class QSO party"
