I have not checked any current logs, but DX is not a mult for GQP Scores.
The score program skips any DX entries for mult check.
On log preparation, we have a pretty good way in software to find DX contacts and reset the mult exchange to DX.

We have to check and reset the suspected DX from country abbreviation to "DX" because of the multiple use of some country values as state/prov values...  LA, ON, SK, OH, OK, and on.

I see the N1MM folks are copied on this, they will fix it for sure.

If in the score checks, you find any bugs in the GQP score run, let me know, I will fix it on our end as needed.

Mike, NE4S

On Monday, April 14, 2014 2:13 PM, Ben Coleman NJ8J <nj8j@benshome.net> wrote:
On 4/14/2014 11:17 AM, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:

> John, I will see that this is logged.  As you can imagine, with 40-some
> QSO parties and over 200 contests supported by N1Mm Logger, we are very
> dependent on contest sponsors to let us know about such things.

> On 4/14/2014 9:34 AM, John Laney wrote:
>> I believe I have found an error in N1MM's logging program's
>> computation of multipliers for Georgia QSO Party. This affects only GA
>> stations.  In some QSO parties, a multiplier of one is given for the
>> first DX QSO or for the first DX QSO per mode.  This is not the case
>> for the GQP.  But, N1MM scores it as if it were. So, for single mode
>> stations who worked at least one DX QSO, the multiplier is one too
>> high and for mixed mode stations, it may be two multipliers too high.

I agree with John that N1MM may be scoring an extra multiplier or two
(depending on whether running single-mode or mixed), but I'm not sure
he's got the mechanism right.  In looking over my log, I see no DX
contacts with a Yes in either of the Mult columns, not even the first DX
QSO, so it doesn't look like DX QSOs are being counted for multipliers.
What I do see is that for the first GA QSO for each mode, there is a
Yes  in both the Mult and Mult2 column.  In subsequent GA QSO's there is
a 'No' in each column.

I also note that there is a Yes for Mult2 only for those first GA QSOs.
Assuming that the purpose of Mult2 is to mark the GA multiplier, those
first GA QSOs should have had 'No, Yes' instead of 'Yes, Yes'.  As it
is, an extra multiplier is counted for each first GA QSO in each mode.

I suspect that GQP scoring was initially done by the having the Mult2
column count the GA multiplier, and that later a way was found to have
the Mult column count that multiplier for only the first GA QSO per
mode, but the Mult2 column wasn't dropped.  Or possibly Mult2 is
necessary to have both the state and county sheets show up in the
Multipliers dialog, but it's only necessary to have the Mult column
'count' for multipliers.  Including Mult2 ends up doubling the
multiplier for GA QSOs.

Ben Coleman nj8j@benshome.net
"I love the way Microsoft follows standards.  In much the
same manner that fish follow migrating caribou."
                                            Paul Tomblin

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