To:    Southeast US Contest & DX Clubs
From: The North Alabama DX Club
On the weekend of August 16-17 we hope you'll join us for the Huntsville Hamfest - one of the six ARRL Regional Centennial Hamfests.  And during that weekend we're hosting the annual DX Banquet on Saturday evening.


2014 NADXC Banquet – with Bob Allphin K4UEE
Come sit, relax, eat, ragchew, and listen to a great presentation. Every year the North Alabama DX Club  Banquet is one of the best events of Hamfest. This year’s dinner looks to be extra special. Tickets are limited so be sure to purchase yours early! You can also inquire about DX Banquet tickets at the NADXC table in the main hall on the day of the event, if tickets are still available.
Saturday night, August 16, 2014
Best Western – Madison (10 minutes from the Van Braun Center)
9035 Madison Boulevard, Madison AL 35758
Phone: (256) 772-7170
Dinner seating at 6:30PM.
The cost for the DX Banquet is $38.
Full Buffet, non-alcoholic beverage, and dessert.
A Full Service Bar is available at the hotel. 
Bob Allphin, K4UEE 
With the completion of the very successful FT5ZM DXpedition to Amsterdam Island, K4UEE has reached a milestone in his ham radio “career”. He has now participated in, led, or co-led DXpeditions to TEN of the DXCC “top 10 most wanted”. They are Baker/Howland (#8), Heard Island (#4), Bhutan (#3), South Sandwich Islands (#6), South Georgia Island (#10), Peter I Island (#4), Lakshadweep (#2), Desecheo Island (#6), Saba/St. Eustatius (all-time new one) and now Amsterdam/St. Paul (# 4). In 2012, the HKØNA Malpelo Island DXpedition ranked #12 “most wanted”, set a new World Record for QSOs for non-hotel, non-fly in DXpeditions.
Since retiring fifteen years ago to pursue DXpeditioning more or less full time, Bob has participated in ten MAJOR DXpeditions that have made over 1.1 million QSOs. He has NINE “DXpedition of the Year” plaques hanging on his wall.
He is an active contester and has participated in 38 contest DXpeditions. From the mid-80s through the early 2000s, Bob set five single operator/single band World Records and was a competitor in two World Radio Team Championships (WRTC) events in 1996 and 2000.
Bob is a member of the CQ DX Hall of Fame, current Chairman of INDEXA, current President of The KP1-5 Project, and former Chairman of the ARRL DX Advisory Committee (DXAC). He is a member of the VooDoo Contest Group, FOC (First Class Operator Club), A-1 Operators Club, the Southeastern DX Club Hall of Fame.

 Mark N4BCD
 North Alabama DX Club - President