Call: N4GG
Operator(s): N4GG 
Station: N4GG

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10 
Location: USA 
Radios: SO2R  

Summary:   Compare Scores
Band QSOs Mults
160: 73 29
80: 203 36
40: 279 42
20: 256 48
15: 154 41
10: 95 32
Total: 1060 228 Total Score 241,680


Club: South East Contest Club

Team: SECC #1

Comments:     [email]     2014-08-03 08:05:55
Well, that was a lot of fun! The first two hours were a 20M-only exercise, 15
and 10 were dead here. I took that as a cue for early off-time, which worked
out. 10 and 15 finally did open up well, although those are the two bands I
don't have decent antennas for. I do better when 10 and 15 stay dead! There
were thunderstorms around in mid-evening - the K9AY loop here made a huge
difference. TNX Gary! As others have commented, a lot of requests for QSY got
silence back - I wonder how ops who can't copy code manage? The station played
FB and since the op is aging and the gear is max'd out, its better antennas or
status quo. Congrats to K4RO, K0EU, AA3B, etc for the amazing scores. 

FTdx5000, FT-1000MP, WRITELOG, HB SO2R, Wires in the woods + K9AY loop