Good job Jere. You got some great DX!  It's certainly different unassisted. You need to keep the dial turning and put stations worked on your band map - worked or not. - so you can either skip them or work them on your next pass. Being kicked off a run freq because you are a little pistol gave me time to find the mults calling cq. 


On Oct 27, 2014, at 10:46 AM, Kt4zb--- via SECC <> wrote:

Lot's of fun in Savannah - 80 and 160m were awful.
- Jere, KT4ZB

CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB
Call: KT4ZB
Operator(s): KT4ZB
Station: KT4ZB

Class: SOAB Classic LP
QTH: Savannah
Operating Time (hrs): 24

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:    2     2        2
   80:   13     6        7
   40:   62    14       35
   20:  156    24       70
   15:  234    23       77
   10:  413    29       89
Total:  880    98      280  Total Score = 934,416

Club: South East Contest Club 
I really like the Classic Radio overlay with the 24 hour limit and don't feel near as 
tired as doing 36 hours in the chair.Normally I run in an assisted category, so
working non-assisted and not knowing where all those super DX stations are is
the downside.

With all the solar activity and the flux at 217, great conditions were expected and the sun delivered. 10 meters was great all weekend as well as 15 meters. The weekend was all S&P except for a couple of good short runs; one of which included 21 stations in Japan. I could not be heard in the Middle East and Asia. I could hear the A71 on 3 bands but could not work them. My score and QSO total was down was down about 6 percent from last year although I did end up with one more mult. Near the beginning of one of my hour breaks there was an X class flare; and, it was the first time I watched the 1 minute refresh graph of the flux as it rose into the X class area, leveled off and then declined.

It's always amazing to see stations on 10 meters above 28.8 MHz and although I worked non-assisted, there were great DX contacts - 4Z5ML, A65BP, B4L, BY2AA, C37NL, GJ2A, J3A, J42T, J69MV, JV5A, JW5E, MD2C, S0S, S79K, T88HZ, TF3CY, UP2L, V47JA, YE2C, YS1/NP3J and ZD8X to list a few. Lots of loud JAs and notable misses included A71, HZ, DU, AH0 and AH2.

Thanks to the CQWW committee for sponsoring this great contest and thanks to all the folks around the world whose contacts filled my log.

Best - Jere

FT1000mp Field (100w), TH6DXX, dipoles and N1MM.

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