CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB   2014   Oct 25   Claimed Score

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Call: NQ4I
Station: NQ4I

Class: M/M HP
QTH: Griffin, Ga
Operating Time (hrs): 48.0
Location: USA

Summary:   Compare Scores
Total:7469175639Total Score14,695,142


Club: South East Contest Club

Comments:     [email]     2014-10-27 04:00:19
Another great CQWW SSB test is now in the log. Fun was had by all at NQ4I. We
had VE3CX join us from Thunder Bay, Ontario and he had a blast. Also guesting
was Amir 4X6TT who stopped by and helped on 20 meters for the first 24 hours.

Another source of excitement was the cqcontest.ru web site. It is so easy to
use and provided many hours of interest by all the operators at NQ4I. I want to
say thanks to Dave K1TTT (aka WK1Q) for posting his scores. The see-saw race
lasted all weekend and was a really close race. I want to go on record here,
that anyone who is using packet(Internet for spotting) has to POST his score
for all to see!!!

Line up we used at NQ4I:

160m AA4V K3 and Alpha 77 and 3 by 3/8 verticals, 6 beverages and Hi-Z rcving 4
80m VE3CX and N4SF RUN-Orion and Henry 3K-A 12 ele LPDA and 6 beverages. MULT-
Orion and AL-1500 and 4 square and 6 beverages.
40m VE7ZO and N4XL RUN-Orion and Henry 3K Classic II and 3 over 3 stack and 6
beverages. MULT-Orion II and Alpha 8410 and 4 ele KLM at 160 ft and 6
20m W4IX and 4X6TT RUN-Orion and Alpha 77 and 8 over 5 over 5 stack. MULT Orion
and Alpha 3KD Classic and 4 el Hygain 204BA at 85 ft.
15m K4BAI and KM4HI RUN-Orion and Henry 3K-A and 8 over 9 over stack. MULT
Orion and Henry 3K-A and 6 el at 105 ft.
10m W4DD and K5AUP RUN Orion and Alpha 87A and 7 over 7 over 7 stack. MULT-
Orion and Alpha 8410 and 5 over 5 over 5 stack.

I had been watching the long range weather forecast and also the solar
conditions for weeks leading up to the contest. The weather proved to be
outstanding fall conditions, cool nights and warm days and no rain....and the
solar conditions once again lived up to expectations. Conditions on the high
bands were just spectacular! Ten Meters was a bottomless pit of qso's...the
other bands suffered from the large amount of activity on ten meters!

The score we are posting today comes very close to our best effort so far. It
just isn't physically possible to make many more qso's than we did. If you
can't hear them you can't work them. Being in the South East US is a handicap
that all our contacts have to make an additional skip(hop) to reach us and are
there by reduced in strength by 2 or more s units. And then there is the Zero
pointers that we have call us for hours! My first guess of totals for zero
pointers is somewhere around 500 zero pointers. I am willing to bet that our
competitors in the NE US had less than 100. This ties up my operators for two
or three non-productive hours just to make and log the zero pointers. There
needs to be value assigned to ANY qso. I have suggested in the past a value of
one point for in country and in zone, followed by two points in another zone. I
am sure that our EU stations would go for something like that too. It would
lessen the impact of the 3 point "chip shot" locations and their
monopoly of scoring points due to location.

The NQ4I team wishes to thank all involved who worked us on so many bands and
provided a really super fall weekend of DX and high rates. Look for us in the

73 from Middle Georgia,