CWOps Mini Test November 27,   2014   1900Z Nov 26   Claimed Score

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Call: PJ4/K4BAI
Operator(s): K4BAI
Station: PJ4G

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: Bonaire
Operating Time (hrs): 1.0
Location: South America

Summary:   Compare Scores
Band QSOs Mults



20: 45 45
15: 56 51

Total: 101 96 Total Score 9,696


Club: South East Contest Club

Comments:     [email]     2014-11-26 14:55:43
FT1000MP, AL 1200, 1 KW, C31XR at 60' with triplexer. Thanks to KU8E, I was ready to operate sort of with one minute to go before the CWT started. Using small netbook computer with yet no external monitor or keyboard. Some funny messages being sent by N1MM occasionally. Apologies to those who didn't get a smooth exchange. Thanks to all for giving me the Name (exchange information) even when you didn't want to or didn't know why. Great to hear so many old and new friends from here. These were the first QSOs for any of us on this trip. PJ4/W2LK was QRV LP on 10M in the same session. All CWOps members here, K2SX, W2LK, KU8E, and myself. Hope we will be on some bands at the 0300Z session and hope to work you all in CQ WW CW as PJ4A M/2. 73 to all, John, K4BAI.