Station: PJ4G

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: Bonaire
Operating Time (hrs): 1.0
Location: South America

Summary:   Compare Scores
Band QSOs Mults

80: 49 34

20: 55 55


Total: 104 89 Total Score 9,256


Club: South East Contest Club

Comments:     [email]     2014-11-27 05:20:29
FT1000MP, AL1200, 1 KW, C31XR with triplexer, 80M sloping dipole array. Thanks for all QSOs. PJ4/K2SX was on 40M. Didn't try 160 (and turns out the 160M antenna hadn't yet been connected to the antenna switch anyway). 20M was very weak to US and Europe and western Asia (two UK QSOs). But, when 0300Z came around, I had a big pile up. Most signals went away after about 30 minutes and changed to 80, which was very good to USA and Europe, but European stations QRMed each other since I was not working split that working them was a chore. Again, eventually everyone finally figured out that I needed their names and I got them all in the log. KU8E and W2LK are here too and we are all CWOps members. Hope to work you all in CQ WW CW as PJ4A. 73, John, K4BAI.