Call: NQ4I
Operator(s): KM4HI N4XL NQ4I VE3CX VE7ZO W4IX
Station: NQ4I

Class: M/2 HP
QTH: Griffin, Ga
Operating Time (hrs): 48
Location: USA

Summary:   Compare Scores
Total:755538155Total Score20,296,429


Club: South East Contest Club

Comments:     [email]     2014-12-01 04:01:22
We had planned to a M-M with a small crew, but some operators had to cancel, and we dropped back to M-2....Strategy for M2 is interesting...8 band changes per hour per station sounded like we could make lots of extra contacts and still run...not so! We were so busy on the two run band that we hardly used any band changes at all! Some Highlights: 1. New 4th Call area record 2. DXCC on 40m in 3 hours and 21 minutes! 3. 5 Band DXCC in under 24 hours! 4. All 40 zones on 40m in 13 hours and 31 minutes! Watching and listening to VE7ZO and N4XL interleave qso's on 40m is like listening to a really great Symphony perform. They make it look easy and seamless! Crew Canada was of course at the NQ4I station...Tom VE3CX travelled from Thunder Bay, Ont to be with us once again...Tom had a great time and really enjoyed the 70 degree weather in Georgia...quite a change from minus 20 degrees Centigrade. We had only one equipment failure...the Alpha 87A on the 10 meter RUN station had a cooling fail and seize and we pulled the amp from 160m RUN to finish the contest. It was pointed out to me that we managed to score 50% of K3LR's and W3LPL's total score with only 2 transmitters! My Congratulations to Craig K9CT for a well run race, and especially for posting his scores for all to see....using the Russian site is really a lot of fun for the whole team. We were constantly checking the hourly charting feature. It is apparent that M2 requires some changes in strategy. Unlike single or MS, M2 should not start on the highest bands, but start on the bands that will attain the highest rates....we started on 20m and 40m, and it really worked well for was hardest to know when to go to 80m and 160m, when those other bands were so productive! I want to thank all the operators who made the journey to operate at NQ4I during the Thanksgiving holiday. Time with family is important. We had operators travel from Canada, South Carolina, and central Florida. KM4HI had told us in years previous that he just wasn't a cw op. After strong- arming him in the CQWW SSB contest, he felt compelled to join us. Let me tell you that he is now a cw operator. Jim made the transition and is now a worthwhile MULT operator. Good Job! The conditions were possibly some of the best we have seen in a long time. All the bands were exceptionally quiet and signal levels were really good both day and night. I want to thank all for the qso's and the wonderful time we had this weekend. As always qsl via LOTW only please. The NQ4I station will miss the ARRL CW and SSB contests due to work commitments. But we expect to be full bore in CQWPX SSB and CW. 73 to all. de Rick NQ4I