Call: KT4ZB
Operator(s): KT4ZB
Station: KT4ZB
Class: SO Unlimited LP
QTH: Savannah
Operating Time (hrs): 31
Location: USA
Band QSOs Mults
160:   7   5
80:    0   0
40: 128 60
20: 336 88
15: 343 91
10: 445 95
Total: 1259 339 Total Score 1,280,403
Club: South East Contest Club
This one is all about having fun. With the 160m feed point about 5 feet off the ground, nothing available for 80m and the 40m dipole at 30 feet above the ground at best, it was time to just have fun and pass out points. The Friday night JA opening was really good. And, the JA's on 15m were about as loud as I've ever heard here in southeast Georgia. Saturday was completely different; only a handful were heard.  Conditions overall seemed to be good to very good but not as good as last year.  But, I had a great time and spent more time on the air than I anticipated.
The DX was pretty good although the number of mults on each band were down from the previous year. Still, managed to work South Cooks, Saudi Arabia, Kenya, Reunion (3 bands), Turkey, E Kiribati, Palau, Guam, Qatar, Egypt, Kazakhstan and finding Guernsey on 10m was nice.  Never got Alaska on 10 m so you know the sun was in a foul mood up that way. 40m was a pleasant surprise considering my antenna.
Anyway, a great radio weekend, my thanks to the contest committee and all those who contacted me.  Looking forward to WPX with some new antennas.
cu on the bands - Jere
Yaesu 1000MP Field, TH6-DXX, Dipoles, N1MM+