I pretty much ran unassisted for all those years because I didn't have
internet out here in the boonies and didn't have a choice. Now I figure it
gives me the best chance for wall paper.
All, Jere and I have had similar stations, we aren't far apart, and we've
had some great close finishes over the years. His station has generally been a
bit better, but I had that rarer SC mult.
Here's the situation for this upcoming weekend. I used to have an NS4
call and now I don't, but he's got a KT4 call giving him the
edge. He's just added a few more dB by stealing my secret weapon - a
520 ft loop. Well, his is 480 ft, but what's 40 ft among rivals?. He has more
assisted experience from his home station than I have had from mine. His 70 ft
tower is 20 ft taller than mine. My rarer SC mult doesn't count in the WPX.
Sounds to me like he is trying to take advantage of this poor ole'
country boy who's just trying to get along.
But I've had some studying time operating near some great contest
masters. People like "'The Judge", K4BAI and "Drubber, The Contest
Monster", W4IX, and the near mythical Jim, VE7ZO. They would sometimes
actually deign to let me watch over their shoulder now and then. Only
rarely would they give up the mike or key to this lowly young'un,
but something just had to have worn off and stuck to this ignorant
wanna be contester.
So with that in mind -- Sharpen up your keyboard Jere because I
accept your challenge! Assisted it is!
As a disclaimer... don't blame any of the above mentioned contest
masters should their tutelage have gone astray and I somehow <gasp>
lose. It wouldn't be their fault. I accept full responsibility for my own
score. I live and die by my very own "Roger Roger Roger" finding its way
through an S9 noise level using my measly 100 watts and wouldn't dream of
blaming them. (Except maybe I could blame Jere for taking unfair
advantage. Yeah, that sounds better than accepting the blame all by
Anyone else care to yell into their K3 keyer loud enough to join us like
Dennis is threatening to do?