Hi all - Conditions looking better as Kevan said; worked the C21 & BD7 last night which is a real treat for me.
Folks that I know will be on the air include WW4LL, KU8E, and K4BAI from Bonaire as PJ4Z, Alan W4ANT, Paul NN4F, Dave WN4AFP, Jeff W4DD (hopefully), WW4SF Kevan (N4XL) and KT4ZB (me)...Anyone else???  Hope to work you all.
Wait a minute - what's this WW4 prefix stuff, Kevan? You just can't change calls like that too get a better mult; and now adding more radials?  Like that's going to do any good in that rocky SC ground you have. But again, in the spirit of Ham friendship, you can borrow my analyzer. Also, you may think you have limited some of my so called "advantages", but, don't forget, I sit on a 1,000 acres of salt water marsh. I'll be ready as soon as I get my cooler of beer iced down (my secret weapon).
Wishing everyone many QSOs and even more fun - Jere, KT4ZB

In a message dated 3/27/2015 11:09:12 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, knason00@gmail.com writes:
Good hunting and luck to all. Jere, wish you well and hope to work you too.  Bands seemed open last night so maybe good conditions after all. I'm real curious to see how your loop plays for you.

Took the day off to add some radials to the raised vertical and get some rest before the start. Grabbed my MFJ-269 and it is dead. Funny, it was just sitting on the shelf in the shack. Factory Tech says I am SOL. Oh well. I'll add some random lengths and hope for the best. It is only 8 ft off the ground is for 40/80. I'm not smart enough to find an easy way to tune them without a lot of work (the antenna is 200 ft from the rig and I'm alone here) now that the MFJ died. Read somewhere that someone was saying (I think Tom, W8JI) that random lengths will still help if antenna is that low relative to wavelength because the ground still affects them. It isn't like a real elevated radial system when it is that low. 

No talk here on SECC about a team. I'm also a member of the Swamp Fox Contest Group now. They were getting one up and needed another member so I will be posting for them this time round. Will be using their club call of WW4SF. I figure with WW4LL having fun in PJ4 land that may help remove one of Jere's advantages over me!


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