all: N4GG
Operator(s): N4GG 
Station: N4GG

Class: SO CW HP
Operating Time (hrs): 13 
Location: USA 
Radios: SO2R  

Summary:   Compare Scores
Band CW Qs SSB Qs Mults
80: 5 0 5
40: 47 0 41
20: 80 0 71
15: 48 0 46
10: 0 0 0
Total: 180 0 163 Total Score 88,020


Club: South East Contest Club

Comments:     [email]     2015-10-18 14:25:02
That was fun despite really poor condx. Nil heard on 28. 15 came alive the second morning but the QSB and washing sounds was really bad. Thanks for all the Qs. FTdx5000, FT1000MP, 2 X ACOM 2000A, wires in the woods