Hi Jere...excellent job ...Congrats to you and your motley crew!!

de Rick NQ4I

On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 2:38 PM, kt4zb--- via SECC <secc@contesting.com> wrote:
Call: KT4ZB
Station: KT4ZB
Class: M/S LP
QTH: Savannah, GA
Operating Time (hrs): 48 
Location: USA
Summary:   Compare Scores
Total:1115116388Total Score1,561,896
Club: South East Contest Club
Comments:     [email]     2015-10-26 08:35:47
I have the best Ham friends ever. The month before the contest they stripped the tower, refurbished antennas and installed a new 40m 2 el monobander. As a “reward”, I proposed hosting a Multi-Single LP entry with the goal of breaking the existing W4 and US records. Little did my crew of ragchewers, DX chasers and casual contesters realize that running a low power station 48 hours in CQWW is a true challenge, involving not only skill but determination. Everyone jumped to transform the station layout into a M/S with RUN and MULT stations. The dual feed Six-Pak switch at the tower gave both stations six antennas each and we added the 160m loop and K4WP’s portable 20m monobander to the MULT station giving us a total of 8 different antennas.. After a crash course in operating the radios (my Elecraft friends have no respect for my old radios) and N1MM+, they were ready to learn on the job. Kevin, KB4W and Paul, KC2NYU started the evening with JA, KH6, KH7 and KH0’s in the RUN and the MULT working south. The new beam worked well on 40m and made the highest country count for the station. The weekend was virtually all S&P and it shows in the QSO count. Lowell, NY4D, Bob, N5GNA, Ken, W4KJG and Steve, KG4OZC gave up sleep time to keep the station going in the wee hours of the night. Being on 20m at 1am was great; we worked all those fluttery signals over the pole including A71 and A73. One UA6 calling CQ had a real problem with our call until he realized we were stateside. Chuck, N4KKD worked hard on 80m and Steve, KG4OZC and Karl, KM4KFJ pitched in and developed new radio skills. My DX buddy Bill, K4WP put in several hours at both stations as well as watching over the stations equipment. Kevin, KW4B and Ken, W4KJG closed out the contest with some needed Asia double mults The MULT station added S0S as our last contact for DXCC on 20m. As for me, KT4ZB, I made only 160 contacts, my lowest QSO count ever and I was accused of being a “Helicopter” parent. . All had fun chasing DX - Had a total of 30 JA contacts in the log which in SE Georgia is wonderful. And BY, VR2, HS, A71, A73, KH0, KH2, YB, TK, C3, ZD7, VU, were nice additions to the total. We accomplished our goal of breaking the existing W4, US and NA record for this category; but, most of all everyone had fun and developed new operating skills. The station worked well and N1MM+ was rock solid. That and having an All Star team made for a memorable weekend. Thanks to CQ and the CQWW committee for sponsoring this great contest. And thanks to all the folks around the world whose contacts filled our log. Best - Jere FT1000MP Field and FT1000MP Mk V(100w), TH6DXX, A3S, XM240 for 40m, 40 and 80m dipoles, inverted L for 160m, 160m horizontal. loop, 20m portable Yagi and N1MM+.

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