For reasons unclear, I didn't get a 3830 reply to paste, here is a cut and paste.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone...

Call: N4GG
Operator(s): N4GG 
Station: N4GG

Class: SO Unlimited HP
Operating Time (hrs): 3 
Radios: SO2R  

Summary:   Compare Scores
Band QSOs
80: 74
40: 36
20: 20
15: 3
Total: 133 Sections 71 Total Score 18,886


Club: South East Contest Club

Comments:     [email]     2015-11-23 05:42:44
Enjoyed a little SO2R S&P. Time restraints kept operating to a minimum. Can't miss SS however. Always nice to share a Q with old friends. Looks like a sweep was not that hard if you were there for 24 hours.... Well done to the NT guys. FTdx5000, FT1000MP, 2 X ACOM 2000A Wires in the woods