ARRL 10-Meter Contest

Call: W2GDJ
Operator(s): W2GDJ
Station: W2GDJ

Class: SO Mixed Unlimited HP
Operating Time (hrs): 9.5

Band  QSOs  Mults
   CW:  300    80
   SSB:   70    45
Total:  370   125  Total Score = 167,500

Club: South East Contest Club

: Started operations on Saturday morning. The EU’s were not strong but workable. Did get up a delta loop (NE – SW) on Friday and it played pretty well. I do have a small amp (SB-200) this year that I was able to bring down from my NY QTH. I’m from the old school of, put a wire in the air, put some power into it and enjoy yourself. That’s what I did. Got distracted by the beautiful weather on Saturday. So put in about 4 hours on Saturday. Started about 10 AM on Sunday. Got distracted again by the weather. Missed most of the EU stuff but was able to get some runs going on CW. Worked several club members and lots of guys in the NC, SC and GA neighborhood. Hoping everyone has a Happy Holiday Season.

73, Dave W2GDJ