North American QSO Party, CW - January

Call: NM2L
Operator(s): NM2L
Station: NM2L

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 6

Band QSOs Mults
160: 0 0
80: 9 8
40: 162 43
20: 57 25
15: 23 14
10: 58 13
Total: 309 103 Total Score = 31,827
Club: South East Contest Club
Team: SECC#4

RIG: FT1000MP MK-V ANT: 80m loop & 160m L with outboard ant. tuner where
needed. Had a really good time with this one. It was tough turning the rig off
after 5+ hours when 80 meters was really looking good, but real life was calling me.
Thanks to all for the QSOs.  73 de Greg NM2L