Thanks for the Q's Don, W4OC and Bill, N4IQ.

NA Sprint CW Contest - February

Call: W4IX
Operator(s): W4IX
Station: W4IX

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 4

 Band  QSOs  Op Time
   80:   79     .57
   40:  122    1.50
   20:   56    1.11
Total:  257    Mults = 47  Total Score = 12,079

Club: Swamp Fox Contest Group



My first serious effort in the NA CW Sprint. Great Fun!! Thanks for all the Q's.
I struggled on 20 meters. I put up a 40M dipole before the start and it seems
that it really worked well even though 40 seemed long when I got there. Could
not believe VY1AAA called in...Thanks for 2 bands. 80 was also good, my small
Inv. L worked well also. Could really have used an SO2R setup...maybe some
FT-1000 Mark V
TH7DX Tribander @ 40 ft.
40 meter dipole at 40 feet.
80 Meter Inv. L
N1MM Logger.

John Colyard
Sunshine Communications
Director of Installations
MAIN  772.216.6700