Hi All...not sure if you know it or not, but the NQ4I team will no longer compete as Multi-Multi...justĀ 
too hard to get operators committed, to hard to compete against the NE US and their decided advantage to EU on the low bands...it is getting harder for me to keep the antennas functional, upkeep is difficult and I ain't getting any younger....and more.

The team has entered a few contests as Multi Two and Multi Single and has notched up a few wins in those categories...also Jim VE7ZO was attempting to qualify for WRTC...he managed to do well, but the advantages of being in Virginia vs Georgia are hard to compete against...so the station has been downsized...from 14 operating positions to seven...one of which is an internet remote site.
All the Henry Amps have been sold...7 Orions were sold...leaving 7 Orions and one K3 in the station...

I expect that my schedule permitting, we will do M2 or MS when able, and there will be some SO2R single op entries along the way too....this is the result of operating Multi Multi since 1983...a long and productive strectch...many plaques are on the wall to show our successes...I thank each and every SECC member who has put time in behind the mic or key at NQ4I....

On another front, I have purchased an aircraft..its a 1963 Beechcraft Debonair...fully IFR, it hasĀ 
an IO470K 225 HP engine, autopilot,GPS system and 4 seats...does 190 miles per hour and Georganne and I are enjoying taking short trips in it! This will be my bridge to retirement..I intend to work another 4 to 6 years at my current employer...but having the plane will allow me to continue in aviation after retirement...I have reached 51 years in aviation this summer...I was recently recognized by the FAA with the award of the Wilbur and Orville Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award.

Georganne and I have been busy this summer so far with trips in the plane and a cruise with 4 of the grandchildren...I recently had knee surgery and am not able to climb towers yet...maybe by the end of the summer, I will be able to get back up on the towers...in the mean time Jim VE7ZO will be doing a few so2R contest to keep the NQ4I callsign on the air...I am actively working with the local EMC to find and repair noisy power poles in the immediate area...Jeff W4DD has redesigned the lousy MFJ ultrasonic unit and with the new electronics it will allow me to show the EMC where the problems are...I was amazed how bad the problem had become...I anticipate it will take most of the rest of the summer to locate and fix them all....

Haven't made a hamfest in a couple years, and just missed one in Atlanta....

73 from NQ4I

de Rick