Hi Cort...excellent idea!! Go For It!!

de Rick NQ4I

On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 12:24 PM, Courtney Judd <k4wi@k4wi.net> wrote:
Something occurred to me today while mowing my yard and going past the 7 el 10 mtr M2's laying on the ground that I rescued when the stack came down 4 or 5 years ago. Put a tri-bander back up. 3 of the 7el are repairable and have the parts to do... the other only good for parts. So...it came to me that these would make wonderful 6 mtr yagi's... 44 ft booms add a few el's, adjust spacing etc.... stack these along with my current 7 el and I would have a 4-hi stack agn. NP4A has a homemade 13 el on 34 ft boom and puts out a BIG signal. So I would like any opinion on whether is might be a good idea! I would have to make new phasing lines for 6 with the StackMaster... etc! TU 73's Cort K4WI

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