I was expecting to see other SECC participating stations but thus far a search for SECC submitted scores returns only mine. Hmmm.... I hope to see others submitted in the coming days. Surely I was not alone. hi hi

I also expect my score to drop considerably in the final tally since there were quite a few calls that did not seem absolutely correct nor did I take the time to hunt down each and every possible mistake to try and correct. My goals for this contest was to try and get in the top 5 for Georgia for the category and possibly the top 25 with all stations combined. The latter according to what I have seen so far was a bust. Will just have to wait to see how the first goal listed plays out.

Call: K4WDR
Operator(s): K4WDR 
Station: K4WDR

Class: SOAB LP  (Single Operator All Band Low Power)
Operating Time (hrs): 21 
Location: USA

Summary:   Compare Scores
Band QSOs State/Prov DX Zones
80: 86 30 10 10
40: 109 35 23 11
20: 80 16 38 16


Total: 275 81 71 37 Total Score 87,129


Club: South East Contest Club

Comments:     [email]     2016-09-26 05:20:49
I spent more time off (27 hrs) than in the seat (21 hrs) - Started Late, Ended Early - So the low score was predictable. For one reason or another this contest really tested my endurance. I found that after 50 years old - I just don't have any .... hi hi Worked the contest with a Kenwood TS-480 SAT and a 160m Doublet (240' long) tuned with a Dentron Super Tuner and I generally kept my exciter power down from anywhere to 8 to 12 watts or so and used my Ameritron AL-811H amplifier to bring my power up to just shy of the 100 watts maximum for the LP category according to my Palstar PM2000A watt meter. Maybe next year I can do better but perhaps the score will be usable for the SECC Group overall.