This from Richard, KK6MRH…

Dear Fellow Ham,
Recently, an app has been created that for the first time ever allows blind hams to participate in PSK31.  The app is being given away to the world for free.  Essentially, this app allows blind hams to use their computer’s “screen reader” to work with DigiPan.  Several members of the "Westside [of Los Angeles] Amateur Radio Club" participated in creating this app.  We would be most grateful to you if you could forward this email on to your club members.  Please help us spread this great news!
To support the continued creation of adaptive technologies for blind hams, a GoFundMe webpage has been created.  The link to it is below.  You can learn a little more about this app there too.  
Please donate in whatever amount you can.  Most especially, forward this email on to all of your friends and family, "Like" the GoFundMe webpage on Facebook, "Share" it with all your friends, tweet it out and ask everyone to do the same!
Richard KK6MRH