Here is a chance to try out the N1MM contest software, prior to FD for the NFARL team.

This from contest update this week:

May 6-7 is a big QSO Party weekend. With the New England QSO Party, 7th Call Area QSO Party,
Indiana QSO Party, and Delaware QSO Party on the same weekend, even with poor conditions
there will be stations to work. Some logging programs will help you use one log to enter more
than one contest - N1MM+ logger, for example, has a special "IN7QPNE" state QSO party type,
for simultaneous logging of Indiana, 7QP, and New England QSO Parties. The same Cabrillo
log can be entered for all three QSO parties. Don't forget to visit the web pages for the contests
to make sure you're aware of any rule changes, and to have up-to-date abbreviations for county names.

Don't know about contest update?  Subscribe at the website (if you are a member).

Or to see this week's issue:

Jim Stafford W4QO Roswell, GA USA
QRP ARCI  #6515

QRP- When QRO is simply not enough (fun)!