ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, SSB

Call: N4GG
Operator(s): N4GG
Station: N4GG

Class: SO Unlimited HP
Operating Time (hrs): 11
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs
Total:  381  Sections = 83  Total Score = 63,246

Club: South East Contest Club


11 hours - all S&P.  Great to say Hi to so many old friends.  Surprised how
easy the sweep was compared to the CW run.  Worked two NNY at the start along
with two VI and other tough ones from 2 weeks ago.  All new antennas here - got
a lot of nice signal reports.
40 sounded better than 2 weeks ago, 21 not as good.  No elbow bumping on 75 SSB
anymore - I think spreading the phone band down to 3600 fixed that.

Thanks for all the Qs.  Nice to hear good participation and a lot of checks of
00 and newer.

Hal N4GG

FTdx5000, FT1000MP, 2 X ACOM 2000A, Writelog, Wires in the woods