Dutch PACC Contest

Call: K4BAI
Operator(s): K4BAI
Station: K4BAI

Class: SO Mixed HP
Operating Time (hrs): 4:52

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Mults
  160:    0      0      0
   80:    8      0      4
   40:   26      0     10
   20:   61     17     22
   15:    2      0      2
   10:    0      0      0
Total:   97     17     38  Total Score = 4,332

Club: South East Contest Club


Good ops and much fund.  15M had a weak opening to PA on the first morning, but
not many knew about it.  80 through 20 were pretty good.  Am departing Sunday
for PJ4A Bonaire to be QRV for nearly two weeks as PJ4/K4BAi and with a group
signing PJ4A in ARRL DX CW.  Hope to work many of you from there.  73, John,

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