RAC Canada Day Contest

Call: K4BAI
Operator(s): K4BAI
Station: K4BAI

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 16:06

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  CW Mults  Ph Mults
  160:    0      0       0         0
   80:   26      3       5         1
   40:  225     13      10         4
   20:  259    156      12         9
   15:   26      1       3         1
   10:    0      0       0         0
    6:    0      0       0         0
    2:    0      0       0         0
Total:  536    173      30        15  Total Score = 178,110

Club: South East Contest Club


Using a new TS590SG in order to get used to it.  Can't decide if it hears better
or worse than my MPs yet.  Nice little rig. Also used it on Field Day.  Will
probably use it for travel to the Caribbean and also for mobile.  Had some
trouble with computer rig control and the computer rig keying failed completely
about half way through.  Maybe some stray RF in the shack?  Will be looking for
some toroids that I have in the shack.  Bands weren't too good, but was
surprised that there were some decent openings on 15M.  Just not very many
people there.  160 seemed dead every time I listened.  80M had a lot of QRN and
little DX was worked there.  40 and 20 were OK and 20M was open weakly until
0630Z at least.  That's when I went to bed.  Thanks for all QSOs.  73, John,

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